Journal Contents
Historical Metallurgy Journal Vol 8.1
1 Iron Age and Romano-British iron working site in Minepit Wood, Rotherfield, Sussex. J.H. Money
21 Iron smelting procedures in the Upper Region of Ghana. L.M. Pole
32 The examination of metallurgical material from Abu Matar, Israel. R.F. Tylecote, B. Rothenberg and A. Lupu
35 A report on the manufacture of steel in Yorkshire and a comparison with the principal groups of steelworks in Europe (Part 3). Mons F le Play (edited and translated by K.C. Barraclough)
50 Notes on lifting a Furnace Base from the Romano-British Bloomery Site at Broadfield, Crawley, Surrey. J. Gibson-Hill
54 Can copper be smelted in a crucible? R.F. Tylecote
55 Metallurgy in Art
58 Excavations at Pippingford Furnaces, Sussex. D. Crossley
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