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 María Florencia Beccera  
Florian Téreygeol  

Florian Téreygeol is Senior Researcher at the CNRS IRAMAT. He trained as an archaeologist, specialising in mining and metallurgies. He has led or taken part in archaeological operations ranging in various countries. Since 2007, he has been in charge of the experimental archaeology on the open-air museum of Frankish silver mines at Melle (France).

Thomas Rose

Thomas (Deutsches Bergbau-Museum Bochum) is working on TerraLID, the digital data infrastructure for lead isotope data in archaeology. He gained expertise in ancient copper metallurgy with focus on the Chalcolithic Southern Levant and stable metal isotope systems and is maintainer of the R package ChronochRt. He is executive board member of the Gesellschaft für Naturwissenschaftliche Archäologie ARCHAEOMETRIE e.V and initiator of the Young Researchers in Archaeometry group. More info at

Editorial Board

Prof. Petr Hrubý, (Masaryk University, Cz)



Dr. Frederik W. Rademakers (British Museum, UK)


Dr. Meghna Desai (The Cyprus Institute, Cy)