HMS datasheets and other guidelines
Datasheet link (click on number) |
Title |
Crucibles and moulds |
Precious metal refining |
Iron working processes |
Geophysical techniques applied to early metalworking sites |
Bloomery iron smelting slags and other residues |
Bloom refining and smithing slags and other residues |
Currency Bars and other forms of trade iron |
Excavation of Sampling Strategies for Metalworking Sites |
Hammerscale |
Metallographic examination |
Chemical analysis of metalwork and metalworking debris |
X-radiography and archaemoteallurgy |
The Care and curation of Metallurgical Samples |
Metalworking Evidence and the Management of Archaeological Sites |
The archaeology of metalworking sites |
Metalworking evidence and archaeological project management |
Geophysical techniques for metalworking sites |
Introduction to post-excavation echniques for metalworking sites |
Textures, microstructures and metallography |
Chemical analysis of metalwork and metalworking debris |
X-radiography and archaeometallurgy |
The care and curation of metallurgical samples |
Metals and their properties |
Copper: smelting and production of alloys |
Tin: smelting and production of alloys |
Other metals: smelting and production of alloys |
Iron: bloomery smelting and associated processes |
Steelmaking |
Iron: hand blacksmithing |
Foundries |
The supply of fuel for post-medieval metal industries |