The HMS Outreach and Value Committee (OVC) looks at new ways for the Society to provide members with a positive membership experience, and to promote understanding of the world’s metallurgical heritage to members and non-members alike.
Current projects include the formation of Special Interest Groups (SIGs) within the Society so that they make a viable focus for those interests. The first of the SIGs will be ‘SIG – Iron’.
Another project includes finding better ways to engage with other Societies and organisations with shared aims and interests, and also with schools and universities, and not least, with the general public. We anticipate liaison with other Societies will lead to joint conferences where suitable and to promoting each other’s activities.
A glossary of metallurgical terms, both current and historic is being assembled, intended to improve understanding of historical metallurgy.
The committee is also exploring how expertise within the HMS membership might be harnessed in activities such as cataloguing a metallurgical archive or characterising a metallurgical monument, projects that might have a social as well as a historical function.
These objectives and projects need the continued support of the membership through their subscriptions and active engagement. If you are interested in taking part in any of these activities, please contact the OVC Chair, Eddie Birch HERE