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Ray Powell

I have included an extract from the Journals of the House of Commons concerning John Reeder’s petition.
The petition was presented in 1789. By this time Cort’s processes were in use at Cyfarthfa. Reeder was in need of income yet he did not revise his partition to claim that Cort had made use of knowledge obtained from his foundry in Jamaica.
Surely he would have done so if he believed that Cort had stolen ideas as that would have improved his case for a pension.

Journals of the House of Commons, Volume 44, page 500
26 June 1789
A Petition of Jchn Reeder was presented to the House, and read; Setting forth,
That the Petitioner completed an Iron Foundry, at the Expence of £.22,000 Sterling, in the Island of Jamaica where it was found highly
necessary for Sugar Plantations, His Majesty’s Ships of War, and for the Commerce of the Island, as will appear by the Certificates of
Admirals Sir Peter Parker and Sir Joshua Rowley, the Annual Emolument of which, in 1781, was £. 4,000; and that in the fucceeding Year 1782,
when the Island was threatened with an Invasion, by the combined Force of France and Spain, Sir Archibald Campbell, being apprehensive that
the Enemy might possess themselves of the Petitioner’s Foundry, from the Advantage of the Situation and Consequence, ordered it to be
dismantled, which was done; and the Legislature of Jamaica gave to the Petitioner £. 3,000 Currency, in Consideration of his Loss, and
recommended his Case to Government; and that the Petitioner did intend to apply to the House for Relief, but could not obtain His Majesty’s
Recommendation within the Time limited by the House for receiving Petitions for private Bills: And therefore praying. That he may be at
Liberty to present his Petition for Relief, not-withstanding the Time limited for receiving Petitions for private Bills is elapsed.

Ordered, That, in Consideration of the particular Circumdances set forth in the said Petition, Leave be given to present a Petition, as desired by the said Jchn Reeder.

Then a Petition of John Reeder One of His Majesty’s Justices of the Island of Jamaica; together with Copies ot Two Certificates thereunto annexed, being offered to be presented to the House;
Mr. Chancellor of the Exchequer, by His Majesty’s Command, acquainted the House, That His Majesty, having been informed of the Contents of the said Petition, recommends it to the Consideration of the House.
Then the said Petition was brought up, and read; Containing the same Allegations as the preceding Petition; and further Setting forth, That at the Time the Petitioner’s Foundry was dismanted for His Majesty’s Service, and the Preservation of Jamaica, his Situation, in Point of Fortune, was such as to render an Application to Government unneccessary: But His Situation, from this Event, and other Causes consequent thereupon, being now materially altered, therefore praying, That, agreeable to the Request of the Legislature of that Island, which has been transmitted to the Lords of the Treasury in due Form, the House will grant him such Relief as to them may seem meet.
Ordered, That the said Petition be referred to the Consideration of a Committee: And that they do examine the Matter thereof; and report the same, as it shall appear to them, to the House:
And it is referred to Sir Peter Parker, Sir James Johnstone, &c.: And they are to meet upon Monday Morning next, at Nine of the Clock, in the Speakers Chamber.