Join HMS or Renew your membership

Renewing your membership?

Please Log In and update your membership details in the Members Area. Renewal options can be found in the “My Subscription” section.
If you’ve forgotten your password (or if it has never been given to you)  reset it here.
Any membership arrears can be paid using the “make additional payment” button after logging in. Logging in takes you to your “member area”. This will show you your membership status and let you know if any further actions are required.

If you’re unable to renew through the Member Area for any reason please contact us at membership@
Please do not sign up again as a new member.

Joining as a new member?

The Society is a community of people with related interests and specialities. Its events provide opportunities for the exchange of ideas. Members attend HMS events at reduced prices.

The members of HMS form an important network with shared activities, events and resources. They also make it possible to publish a journal which is fully open access. This means that authors can be published without any charges and that their work will be on-line so that their work will be available on-line without any embargo. The change to open access publication does not  mean the end of hard-copy publication of either the journal, Historical Metallurgy (twice a year) or of the HMS newsletter The Crucible (three time a year).


Joining for the first time? Select your membership type from the set below. On the next page you will have the option to choose a printed Journal and/or newsletter.

If you have any questions about HMS, your data or membership renewals etc please view this page.