Historical Metallurgy
About the journal
Historical Metallurgy is the peer-reviewed journal of the society and published in diamond open access. The Journal is operating its own webpage for distributing the articles and manuscript submission. There you can also find the author guidelines and further information about the journal.
Back copies are steadily digitalised and integrated into the journal webpage. Back copies not moved over to the journal webpage yet can be downloaded from below.
Editorial Team
María Florencia Beccera (Editor-in-chief)
María Florencia Becerra has a Ph.D. in Archaeology from the University of Buenos Aires. She is a researcher at CONICET (National Council for Scientific and Technical Research of Argentina) in the Museum of La Plata, National University of La Plata. She is an assistant professor in the Anthropology program at the University of Buenos Aires and in the Archaeometry specialization program at the National University of La Plata. Her research focuses on pre-Columbian and colonial mining and metallurgy in the Southern Andes. She is currently studying the use, circulation, and provenance of copper in pre-Columbian Northwestern Argentina.
Florian Téreygeol (Journal Manager)
Florian Téreygeol is Senior Researcher at the CNRS IRAMAT. He trained as an archaeologist, specialising in mining and metallurgies. He has led or taken part in archaeological operations ranging in various countries. Since 2007, he has been in charge of the experimental archaeology on the open-air museum of Frankish silver mines at Melle (France).
Thomas Rose (Technical Editor)
Thomas (Deutsches Bergbau-Museum Bochum) is working on TerraLID, the digital data infrastructure for lead isotope data in archaeology. He gained expertise in ancient copper metallurgy with focus on the Chalcolithic Southern Levant and stable metal isotope systems and is maintainer of the R package ChronochRt. He is executive board member of the Gesellschaft für Naturwissenschaftliche Archäologie ARCHAEOMETRIE e.V and initiator of the Young Researchers in Archaeometry group. More info at copper-smelting.com
Berber van der Meulen-van der Veen (Assistant Editor)
Berber (University of Amsterdam) is a lecturer in Archaeology at the Amsterdam Centre for Ancient Studies and Archaeology. She has worked on the chemical composition of copper-alloy corrosion products using pXRF and works on metal technology in the Roman West more broadly.
Editorial Board
- Dr Peter Bray (University of Reading, UK)
- Dr Mike Charlton (Institute of Archaeology, UCL, UK)
- Dr Meghna Desai (The Cyprus Institute, CY)
- Jeremy Hodgkinson FSA
- Prof Petr Hrubý, (Masaryk University, CZ)
- Dr Jane Kershaw (University of Oxford, UK)
- Dr Peter King
- Dr Janet Lang CEng MIMMM FSA
- Prof Marcos Martinón-Torres FSA (University of Cambridge, UK)
- Dr Frederik W. Rademakers (British Museum, UK)
- Dr Tim Young FSA FGS (GeoArch, UK)